Med-TSO is pleased to present the updated Master Plan of Mediterranean Interconnections 2022, an exercise that showcases the collective perspectives of the Mediterranean Transmission System Operators (TSOs) on the grid development until 2030. This edition is the third update of the plan, that has been developed within the TEASIMED project co-funded by the European Commission.
The outcomes of this extensive work reflect the dedicated efforts of the Mediterranean TSOs in providing a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of numerous interconnection projects. A total of 22 TSOs have contributed to this exercise, highlighting the collaborative nature of the endeavour.

Power Statistics

The scope of this platform is to enable the various operators in the electricity sector, as well as all the stakeholders, to have quickly access to information never made available before in the Mediterranean energy scene in a single repository. Entering the platform takes to an interactive map of the Mediterranean countries members of Med-TSO, with graphic representation of the interconnections, through which is possible to visualize the physical energy flows in GWh exchanged by each country and for each interconnection. Moreover, by clicking on the map, it is possible to access tables gathering all data from TSOs, such as net generating capacity, net annual generation, demand, length of the lines, transformers’ capacity and some key performance indicators.


Med-TSO, the Association of the Mediterranean Transmission System Operators (TSOs) for electricity, was established on 19 April 2012 in Rome by 14 TSOs from 12 countries, as a technical platform that, using multilateral cooperation as a strategy of regional development, could facilitate the integration of the Mediterranean Power Systems and foster Security and Socio – economic Development in the Region.

29th Med-TSO General Assembly in Tunis, 8 May 2024


march, 2025



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