About Med-TSO
Med-TSO is the Association of the Mediterranean Transmission System Operators (TSOs) for electricity, operating the High Voltage Transmission Networks of 20 Mediterranean Countries.
It was established on 19 April 2012 in Rome as a technical platform that, using multilateral cooperation as a strategy of regional development, could facilitate the integration of the Mediterranean Power Systems and foster Security and Socio – economic Development in the Region.
Med-TSO members share the primary objective of promoting the creation of a Mediterranean energy market, ensuring its optimal functioning through the definition of common methodologies, rules and practices for optimizing the operation of the existing infrastructures and facilitating the development of new ones.
Med-TSO contributes to the achievement of this objective by promoting:
• the coordination among the Med-TSO Countries, of their National Transmission Network Development Plans and of their Power System operation, studying the development of an integrated, secure and sustainable Mediterranean Power System and promoting cross-border projects aiming at facilitating the integration of new energy sources (especially from RES), increasing security and quality of power supply;
• the use of common criteria and harmonized, transparent and non-discriminatory technical rules for guaranteeing the interoperability of the interconnected Power Systems;
• training, knowledge sharing and technical assistance in the Region, facilitating the exchange of information, analyses and experiences among the Associates, including the R & D sector;
• enhanced communication and consultation with stakeholders for improving TSOs operation transparency and facilitating the public acceptance of transmission infrastructures;
• the cooperation among the Mediterranean TSOs and coordinated approach towards the Institutions (in particular with the association of the Mediterranean Regulators for energy, MEDREG, and the European Network of TSOs for electricity, ENTSO-E);
• the role of TSOs at regional level, analyzing and taking common positions on issues that can have an impact on the development and operation of transmission systems.