Mediterranean Project 2 (2018 - 2020)

The Mediterranean Project 1 is a first step in the roadmap towards the integration of the regional power systems. After the good results achieved, in the frame of the Mediterranean Project 1, Med-TSO intends to continue, consolidate and improve the activities carried out so far with a new project: the Mediterranean Project 2.
The European Union supports Med-TSO with a new grant contract to develop the action plan of this new project from 2018 to 2020.
• increase energy security and reliability
• favor greater RES penetration by facilitating their integration
• increase the overall system efficiency
• generate economies of scale in investments and operations
• improve cooperation and exchange of experience among the Mediterranean TSOs
Work Plan
• Consolidating the activities already carried out in the frame of Mediterranean Project 1
The Action Plan of the Mediterranean Project 2 is structured along six streams of activity, coming from the need for strengthening cooperation in both system operation and system development, whose expected results are:
The delivery of an updated version of the Mediterranean Network Development Plan (MNDP), which should become a permanent outcome of Med-TSO on a periodical basis (every two years). This plan identifies the necessary investments in grid infrastructures, whose justification is based on: harmonized methodologies among Members, coherent with ENTSO-E practices, and agreed procedures for updating similarly to the TYNDP in ENTSO-E, the MNDP; Reference energy scenarios; Market and grid studies; assessment of costs and benefits as a result of market and network studies. The MNDP includes also the internal reinforcements of the existing grids, necessary to accommodate reliably the expected transit flows in the Med-TSO Region while maintaining security of operation at adequate levels.
The progress in the harmonization of regulation in the Mediterranean region for power system rules (in the perimeter of the network codes) is carefully monitored. A “zonal approach” will be developed to allow a faster harmonization of a subset of rules in selected zones of the Mediterranean (pilot projects). To support these endeavors, expected results are: A proposal on harmonization of technical rules in the fields of management and sharing of system services to complete the work accomplished in the Mediterranean Project 1; A Zonal Target Regulatory Framework in selected priority areas; A Transparency proposal on a set of data to be published by all the Med-TSO Members.
The Association intends to draw some possible future scenarios for the Mediterranean Power System. To this aim, the following results are expected: A set of mid- and long-term scenarios of the Mediterranean Power System. The Market model is built to apply the Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) methodology for assessing interconnection transmission projects. A periodic Adequacy Report, including Winter or/and Summer Outlook Reports, to complement a statistical approach by severe scenarios simulations which are useful to prepare the crisis management tools.
New complementary activities are foreseen, according to Med-TSO’s Action Plan, to cover relevant aspects of the TSO’s business hereby qualified as results: Grid integration in the Mediterranean and impact on climate change (increased energy efficiency as a result of electricity transmission network integration); Allocation of costs and risks for new investments;
Med-TSO Members intend to increase the exchange of information related to the operation of their Power Systems. To this aim, the following results should be achieved: Setup of a Common Web-Platform for TSOs members to gather information on cross-border interconnections; Drafting of a periodical report on the behavior of the regional electricity system, including a variety of operation data collected from the Members in both normal (energy demand, power supply) and critical conditions (contingencies), as well as standard key performance indicators (KPIs) of the national power systems.
Capacity building and dissemination of experience are one of the pillars of Med-TSO action plan. It is proposed to set up an intensive exchange of expertise between the Members of the Association and towards both the main stakeholders in the region (MEDREG, Arab Union for Electricity, ENTSO-E) and Academia, throughout training, workshops and events for knowledge dissemination, both internal and external.